
We are making a big investment in your professional development by allocating space for you within our education platform, even though we realize you can use the resources in this package to become associated with a different host or travel platform. We are confident that Avoya is by far the best choice out there for you and we hope you agree. Accordingly, the following cancellation policies apply:

    • All registration costs are 100% non-refundable at time of purchase.

    • Registration is non-transferrable.

Please Note: At this time, the Avoya Network can only offer affiliation with Independent Agencies who reside in the United States. If you reside in a country other than the United States and pay for Travel Agent Education Powered by Avoya, your Independent Agency will not be able to affiliate with the Avoya Network once complete.

All products purchased from Travel Agent Education Powered by Avoya are NON-REFUNDABLE. This includes, but is not limited to, memberships/ subscriptions/registrations/event registrations; online/downloaded courses and resources; textbooks and reference materials; and/or resources not created by Travel Agent Education Powered by Avoya (3rd-party products).

Need help?

Contact us at educationplatform@avoyatravel.com for questions related to cancellations or refunds.